About This Blog

Bonjour à tous, Je suis Alexia de France. Comme le titre l'indique, ce blog est à propos de prodiges musicaux! J'espère que tout le monde aime mon blog!
J'ai fait ce blog pour reconnaître les enfants musicales

Hello everyone, I'm Alexia from France. As the title suggests, this blog is about music prodigies! I hope everyone enjoys my blog!

This is a fan-made page and therefore,I own nothing, all pictures taken from google and their respective websites.

I made this blog to recognize musical kids.
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AlexiaJuben

Monday 23 December 2013

Grace Chen

 In 2013, Grace Chen turns 10. She performed the 1st movement of Kabalevsky - Piano Concerto No. 3 in D major with the Thousand Oaks Philharmonic under the amazing conductor, Dr. John Roscigno. This year she also has had the opportunity to compete and win the Contemporary Festival, Southern California Bach branch and regional. When Grace was only 9 year's old, she played J. Haydn's Concerto in G major with the Thousand Oaks Philharmonic for the first time at the United Methodist Church in Camarillo. In addition to enjoying piano, Grace loves her play dates, sleepovers, arts, and sports. Of all sports, her passion is soccer. At the end of her busy days, she looks forward to reading God's word and a time of prayer.

Grace Chen's YouTube Channel

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